Enrollment » Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration

How to EnrollKindergartners with funny hats

Students attend the school that serves their residence at Newberg-Dundee Public Schools.

Online Registration Process (Please do not use a mobile phone, it will cause errors.)
  • If you are a CURRENT Newberg-Dundee family, please enroll your kindergartener using your ParentVUE account and you will click on Verification/Change Student Information.
  • If you are a NEW family to Newberg-Dundee, create a ParentVUE Account here, select "Create New Account" and follow the on-screen instructions.
Kindergarten Age Eligibility
  • Children must be 5 years old by September 1 to enroll in kindergarten 
Early Entrance Policy/Testing
  • Children Born between August 1st and October 15th and who are Newberg-Dundee residents are eligible for early entrance testing.
  • Early Entrance Policy
  • Contact Name for information.
Kindergarten Roundup
  • April 25th
  • Each school is leading its own K Roundup. Call your local schools for details.
Be Ready to Supply
  • Parent/Guardian information
  • Emergency contact information
  • Immunization certificate
  • Birth verification
  • Proof of Address
After submitting the online form, your school will contact you to complete the process. Each elementary school will offer an opportunity to find out more at their Kindergarten Roundup orientation events.
If you have further questions, feel free to call us at 503-554-5000.