Walking Like a Lion

Catch a video of the event on the Newberg-Dundee School District YouTube Channel.


Mabel Rush kindergartner Oliver Tenner had a suggestion for his school’s annual fundraiser, the Lion Walk, held on May 3.


“I was thinking we could do a Bear Walk and a Horse Walk,” the 5-year-old said solemnly, taking a short break from the Lion Walk to demonstrate how various animals move on four limbs.


His mom, Ashlea Tenner, was beaming, simply enjoying her son’s wild imagination and joyfulness as he participated in the Lion Walk, now in its 35th year (34th subtracting 2020). Mabel Rush’s mascot, Maru the Lion, high-fived the kids, and the sky was dark gray but managed not to douse the event participants.


“We got lucky with the weather,” Secretary Marilyn Mayfield pointed out.


The event itself is a stroke of luck, offering so much to the school community. The Lion Walk and the fall auction are the two fundraisers led by Mabel Rush Partners in Education (PIE), a collective of families and school employees supporting the school. The event is one of PIE’s two major fundraisers and the only one in which students have a major role. What they don’t have is the pressure of pledges.


Instead, PIE takes a flat donation from participants, so the children can run, walk, or fly around the track at Loran Douglas Field as often as they wish, explained PIE President Melissa Stockton. The flat-fee model seems to be a savvy business model too!


PIE raised $30,000 at last year’s walk, and their goal is to best that by $10,000 this year. They’ve already collected $23,000 and will be gathering donations until May 15. Giving to the event is a huge help to the school, funding field trips and teacher stipends that allow educators to buy supplies for their students. The Lion Walk may provide great financial benefits, but Stockton noted that the children’s simple love of the event is the best part.


“The enthusiasm we see in the kids in preparation for this: It almost brings a tear to your eye,” she said.


She also pointed out that the physical activity keeps them healthy. Most of the kinders ran for most of the 20-minute alloted for their grade level, including Oliver, who flew around the track reveling in his favorite part, the upbeat tunes organizers play.


“The music makes me faster,” Oliver said, then began running again, rushing by the other students just as fast and strong as a little lion.


Remember, you can still help. Donations are being accepted through May 15: https://shorturl.at/ixGKY