Catalyst Program Options » Program Options

Program Options


The typical Catalyst student starts their experience with a six-week Discovery class. Discovery serves as an orientation to the program with the goal of skill building in the area of working in a group, communication, anger management, conflict resolution, problem solving, grit, and assertiveness. We focus on how to treat each other with dignity and respect and form a healthy community. This program is the gateway for Real World Catalyst and has high attendance and participation requirements. Students earn a 1.25 credit for Discovery if they finish the 6-week course with passing marks. Completion of the Discovery course is required to enter into Real World classes.

Real World Catalyst

After students graduate from Discovery, they are scheduled into a full-time, five-period school day from 9:00 a.m.-2:40 p.m.  These classes cover all of the requirements for a high school diploma.

In addition to in-person courses, we have other ways for students to earn credits. A school counselor can help come up with ways to help you succeed.

We offer classes in a smaller setting, with average class sizes under 20, staff who pay careful attention to healthy, assertive relationships, and a culture marked by dignity and respect for all.

High School COA

For the self-motivated, academically talented student, online learning can be a great program. High School COA students work on online classes daily from home with regular progress monitoring and goal-setting. Good communication via email and telephone is also a key element to success in this program. Please call the COA office for more information about this program. Their number is 503-554-4595.


Student-Centered Achievement (SCA) is a hybrid platform. Students will be given courses within the online platform, Edgenuity, or packet work. Students will be expected to come in person at least twice a week, as well as work on their courses at home. This class has a licensed teacher available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 11:57-2:40 p.m. Students are welcome to come as early as 11:22 to join for lunch.


The GED program is great for students who are not looking for a high school diploma and already have some basic high school skills. Students are guided through materials until they show proficiency in one of the four main subject areas of Math, Science, English, and Social Studies. Upon passing an official practice test, provided by us, we will schedule and pay for them to take the official GED test. Students will be responsible for transportation to and from the testing location. Upon completion of all 4 official GED tests, students will either graduate with their GED or may apply the GED tests toward their diploma for 1 full credit for each subject taken.
