Staff » 23-24 Employee Handbook

23-24 Employee Handbook

We have included in the text below key sections from the handbook on restraint and seclusion and suicide.

Restraint and Seclusion

The use of physical restraint and/or seclusion is permitted only as a part of a behavior support plan when other less restrictive interventions would not be effective and the student’s behavior poses a threat of imminent, serious physical harm to self or others.

Except in the case of an emergency, only staff current in the required training in accordance with the district-designated physical restraint and seclusion training program will implement physical restraint or seclusion with a student. In an emergency, physical restraint and/or seclusion may also be used by a school administrator, teacher or other school employee or volunteer as when the student’s behavior imposes a reasonable threat of imminent, serious bodily injury to the student or to others. The use of physical restraint and seclusion under these circumstances is only allowed so long as the students’ behavior poses a threat of imminent, serious physical harm to themselves or to others. Any student being restrained or secluded within the district, whether an emergency or as part of a plan, shall be constantly monitored by staff for the duration of the intervention. Any room used for seclusion of a student must meet the standards as outlined in OAR 581-021-0568.

See Board policy JGAB – Use of Restraint and Seclusion and the administrative regulation. OAR 581-021-0559 requires districts to submit their annual report detailing the use of physical restraint and seclusion to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Suicide Prevention and Intervention Policy

(SB 52 “Adi’s Act”)



Newberg Public Schools is committed to the health and well-being of all students and understands that physical, behavioral, emotional, and mental health are integral components of student achievement. All staff are expected to be proactive in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment and to immediately report to the building principal (or designee) any indications that a student may be in danger of harming himself/herself or others. Students are strongly encouraged to report if they, or another student, are feeling suicidal or in need of help. By having procedures in place to prevent, assess the risk of, intervene in, and respond to suicide they are not only complying with Senate Bill 52, but, more importantly, saving lives. The Newberg Public Schools:

  • Recognizes that physical and mental health are integral components of student outcomes, both educationally and beyond graduation.
  • Further recognizes that suicide is a leading cause of death among young people.
  • Has an ethical responsibility to take a proactive approach to prevent deaths by suicide.
  • Acknowledges the school’s role in providing an environment that is sensitive to individual and societal factors that place youth at greater risk for suicide and helps to foster positive youth development and resilience.
  • Acknowledges that comprehensive suicide prevention policies include prevention, intervention, and postvention components.

This document recognizes and builds on the skills and resources inherent in our school district. Schools are exceptionally resilient and resourceful organizations whole staff members may be called upon to deal with crises on any given day. Schools can be a source of support and stability for students and community members when a crisis occurs in their community. This is meant to be paired with other policies supporting the overall emotional and behavioral health of students.


Mental Health - Someone’s state of being in regard to their emotions and feelings. Everyone has mental health. Mental health is a spectrum and can present strengths and challenges at all stages of life.

Risk factors are parts of someone’s life stressors or the oppression experienced by a part of their identity that might increase their likelihood of thinking about suicide. Suicide risk tends to be highest when someone has several risk factors at the same time. Examples of risk factors may include trauma exposure, being LGBTQ+, and experiencing a recent loss.

Protective factors are parts of someone’s life experience that might increase their ability to cope with stressors. Examples of protective factors are a stable home environment, the presence of supportive adults, and financial stability.

Suicide Screening - An evaluation of a student who could be having thoughts of suicide. This screening would be performed by a trained school staff member. These screenings usually include questions such as: is the student having thoughts of suicide, do they have a plan for suicide, and do they intend to carry out this plan

Self Harm - A behavior that includes harming oneself (i.e. cutting, burning, scratching). Sometimes, self-harm takes on forms that are less obvious, which can include but are not limited to over-exercise, limiting food, and sabotaging relationships. Self-harm can be a coping behavior for distress and does not necessarily indicate that a young person is thinking of suicide. However, treatment and intervention can help replace this behavior with healthy coping skills.

Stigma - A mark of shame or a negative perception of a societal topic due to a combination of lived experience, culture, and belief systems in communities. Mental health topics are stigmatized, with societal messages such as those that live with mental illness are weak, dangerous, or unstable.

Suicide Contagion/Clusters - The research pattern that suicides in a community tend to put others a risk for suicide. Despite the name, suicidal thoughts are not necessarily “contagious” to otherwise mentally healthy individuals. Usually, suicide contagions occur when a suicide provokes feelings in others that are otherwise already at risk for suicide.

Suicide/Crisis Intervention - The intentional steps that schools and staff take in the event of a student mental health crisis. Examples include written procedures, safety planning, parental involvement, and emergency services.

Suicide Prevention - The intentional steps that schools and staff take to create a school culture that encourages positive coping skills, reaching out to help with mental health, and talking about suicide in a safe and healthy way. Examples of suicide prevention include mental health education, staff training, and mental health awareness activities.

Suicide Postvention - The intentional steps that schools and staff take in the event of a suicide in the school community. Best practices in postvention are designed to reduce the rate of suicide contagion. Examples include communication with students and parents, providing grief counseling, memorials, and communication with the media.

Flight Team - A multidisciplinary team of primarily school counselors, psychologists, social workers and administrators whose primary focus is to help support students and staff in the event of a crisis or death.

Suicidal Thoughts or Ideation - Thoughts about killing oneself or ending one’s life. These thoughts can range from “I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up” to detailed planning for suicide. All thoughts of suicide should be taken seriously.


  • Staff Development: All district employees shall attend an annual, 30-minute virtual training in suicide prevention and self-injury. In addition to the annual training, subsequent annual training will be made available both in-person and online.

The training shall include but is not limited to: the identification of risk factors, warning signs, protective factors, response procedures, district referral process, and postvention. Resources regarding youth suicide, including those living with mental and/or substance use disorders, those who engage in self-harm or have attempted suicide, those in out-of-home settings, those experiencing homelessness, American Indian/Alaska Native students, LGBTQ students, students bereaved by suicide and those with medical conditions or certain types of disabilities.

Additional professional development will be provided to designated school suicide prevention points of contact. Specific training opportunities that Newberg Public Schools frequently attends include Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR), Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA), and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). A schedule of these training sessions can be found here.

Youth Suicide Prevention Programming

Developmentally appropriate, student-centered education materials shall be integrated into the k-12 curriculum. The content of these age-appropriate materials shall include the importance of safe and healthy choices and coping strategies, how to recognize risk factors and warning signs of mental disorders and suicide in oneself and others, help-seeking strategies for oneself or others, including how to engage school resources and refer friends to help.

Intervention: Risk Factors and Protective Factors


Risk Factors

Protective Factors

Current plan to die by suicide

Access to lethal means

Previous suicide attempt

Family history of suicide

Exposure to suicide by others

Recent discharge from psychiatric



History of mental health issues (major depression, panic attacks, conduct problems)

Current drug/alcohol use

Sense of hopelessness


Current psychological/emotional distress Loss (relationship, work, financial

Discipline problems

Conflict with others (family/friends)

Current agitation

Feeling isolated/alone

Current/past trauma (sexual abuse,

domestic violence)

Bullying (as aggressor or victim)


Severe illness/health problems

Impulsive or aggressive behavior

Unwilling to seek help

LGBTQ+, Native-American, Alaskan Native, Male

Engaged in effective health and/or

mental health care


Feeling well-connected to others (friends, family, school)

Positive problem-solving skills

Positive coping skills

Restricted access to lethal means

Stable living environment

Willing to access support/help

Positive self-esteem


High frustration tolerance

Emotional regulation skills

Cultural and/or religious beliefs that

discourage suicide


Does well in school

Has responsibility for others

Keep in mind a person with an array of protective factors in place can still struggle with thoughts of suicide.



  • Any employee who reasonably believes that a student is at imminent risk of suicide shall immediately report such belief to the School Counselor or Administrator. Indications that a student is at imminent risk of suicide shall include, but are not limited to: the student communicating the desire to attempt/complete suicide, evidence of a suicide attempt and/or self-harm, a confidential tip from a third party or social media postings. A student may also complete a student self-referral if he/she feels at risk of suicide. A student should report to any staff member if he/she believes another student is at imminent risk of suicide or to file a tip with the Oregon Tip Line. This report should be investigated by the School Counselor or Administrator.

Upon notification, the School Counselor/Administrator shall complete a Level 1 Suicide Risk Assessment. If warranted, the student will be placed under continuous adult supervision during this time. Emergency medical services will be contacted immediately if an in-school suicide attempt occurs. The School Counselor shall contact the: Principal, Director of Special Services, and Superintendent.

Once the student is evaluated by the qualified mental health provider (QMHP), the student’s situation will be described as Low, Medium, or High risk. This rating will be explained and confirmed to the building administrator by the QMHP. Students in the Low-risk category may continue at school and can follow up as needed with the school counselor and others. If a student is in the Medium risk category, QMHP will create a plan to address ongoing concerns within 72 hours of the initial assessment. If a student is in the High-risk category, the student will either be seen by mental health experts from Yamhill county or Providence Medical Group. Students in the High-Risk category typically need an individual safety plan as the student is unable to commit to no self-harm while at school or at home. An emergency room visit or formal evaluation by the crisis team at the hospital is typical.

As appropriate, the principal or designee shall contact the student’s parent/guardian and provide the following information:

        1. Inform the parent/guardian that there is reason to believe the student is at risk of suicide;
        2. Inform the parent/guardian if emergency services were contacted;
        3. Inform the parent/guardian of the results, as appropriate, of the Risk Assessment if the student is deemed to be a Moderate or High Risk.
        4. Ask the parent/guardian whether he/she is engaged in ongoing mental health counseling for the student;
        5. Provide the names of community mental health counseling resources if appropriate
  • The School Counselor will seek parental permission to communicate with outside mental health care providers regarding the student. If the student is under the age of 14 and the parent/guardian refuses to seek appropriate assistance, the School Counselor shall contact DHS if there is a Moderate to High Risk. If the student is 14 years of age or over and refuses to seek appropriate assistance, the School Counselor will contact DHS.
  • The Principal or Counselor shall document the incident, including contact with the parent/guardian, by recording:
        1. The time, date and circumstances which resulted in the student coming to the attention of school officials;
        2. A timeline of the specific actions taken by school officials;
        3. The parent/guardian contacted, including attempts;
        4. The parent/guardian response;
        5. Time and date of release of student to authorized individual;
        6. Anticipated follow-up and safety plan. (Schedule safety plan review date as appropriate).

Forms that can be utilized to screen and document:


  • Prior to a student returning to school, a school support team shall meet with the student and his/her parent/guardian to develop a school safety plan. The school support team may consist of: the Principal, School Counselor, School Psychologist and/or other appropriate school personnel, as deemed appropriate for the student/situation.
        • The team will review/discuss the following:

Documentation from outside mental health professionals, including a medical release or discharge summary indicating that the student is no longer a danger to themselves or others and can return to school

Confidentiality: identify staff who need to know and will support the student’s academic, social, emotional and physical needs. Document this on the student’s re-entry plan.

School Counselor (or designated staff member) will periodically check in with the student and parent/guardian to help the student readjust to the school environment and address any ongoing concerns

School Counselor will seek authorization to coordinate/communicate with any outside service providers

  • Reentry - The school support team may also refer on to appropriate mental health services to determine if additional evaluation and/or supports are needed. The team will identify an employee to periodically meet with the student to monitor his/her safety and address any concerns with re-entry.


  • Immediately after a suicide death, the flight team or crisis response team shall meet with district personnel and develop a postvention plan including but not limited to:

Verification of death

Preparation of school and/or district response, including support services

Informing staff of death

Informing students that a death has occurred

Providing counselors and/or trained crisis responders to support students and staff at the school site or virtually

Providing additional resources to staff and students

  • Crisis team will work with staff to identify students most likely to be impacted by the death to provide additional assistance and counseling if needed. Additionally, an administrator and/or designated staff member will review suicide warning signs and reporting requirements with staff.

Contact for NPS School Suicide Prevention

Special Programs

Newberg Public Schools

(503) 554-5100


District Review

To request a district review of the actions of a school in responding to suicidal risk, please make a written request to the Director of Student Services at 714 East 6th Street, Newberg, OR 97132.



A summary of available resources shall be updated and posted for students, families and staff on the “Mental Wellness” section of the district website located at:


School Based Health Center (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

2400 Douglas Ave. Newberg, OR 97132 (NHS Campus/Circle K building by tennis courts) Phone: 971-231-5855


Lutheran Community Services

435 NE Evans, Suite A

McMinnville, OR 97128

Phone: 503-472-4020


Yamhill County Crisis Line (24/7)

  • Washington County Crisis and Consultation Line (24/7): 844-822-8200
  • The Crisis Line provides support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across Yamhill County for assessment, crisis intervention, referrals to local resources and treatment.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24/7)

  • TALK: 988 or 1-800-273-8255
  • TEXT 'OREGON' to 741741
  • CHAT:
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States. The Lifeline is made up of a national network of over 150 local crisis centers, combining custom local care and resources with national standards and best practices.


The Trevor Project (24/7)

  • TALK: 1-866-488-7386
  • TEXT: ‘START’ to 678-678
  • CHAT:
  • The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people.


Oregon Youth Line (24/7)

  • TALK: 877-968-8491
  • TEXT: 'teen2teen' to 839-863
  • CHAT:


Racial Equity Support Line

  • TALK: 503.575.3764
  • Hours: 10am to 7pm, weekdays
  • The Racial Equity Support Line is a service led and staffed by people with lived experience of racism. Support is offered to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of racist violence and microaggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of immigration struggles and other cross-cultural issues.


Trans Lifeline

  • TALK: 877-565-8860
  • The Trans LifeLine is a trans-led organization that is run by and for trans people and connects trans people to the community, support and resources they need to survive and thrive.


Safe Oregon Tip Line

  • Call or text: 844-472-3367
  • Email: [email protected]
  • SafeOregon is a statewide school safety tip line that gives kids, parents, schools and their communities a way to report safety threats or potential acts of violence. Tigard-Tualatin schools are enrolled in SafeOregon.
  • Note: This tip line is not for immediate emergency response. Emergency situations should always go to 911.


Oregon Child Abuse Hotline

  • 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)
  • Report child abuse and neglect 24/7