Budget Shortfall » Current Budget News and Key Dates

Current Budget News and Key Dates

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Budget Updates

Interim Finance Director Gayellen Jacobson's update to the Newberg School Board reported that:
  • Enrollment, revised compensation, furlough days and legal costs may require continued adjustments to the 2024-25 school year budget.  

  • “Right-sized” staffing - also known as “class size adjustments" or ratios for schools are based on enrollment and will be reviewed periodically throughout the school year.

  • An estimated 60 full time equivalent (FTE) were reduced in force from the school district to date, including an estimated 20 FTE reduced during the 2023-34 school year.

  • The 2023-24 school budget ended $1.7 million short and will be audited on October 28.

  • Moody’s Ratings dropped Newberg-Dundee School District’s bond rating from A1 to A3, citing declining enrollment and growth in debt, potentially impacting the district’s perception of creditworthiness in the bond market.

Read the August 13, 2024 Budget update for complete details.
Review our messaging below:

Key Dates

Important dates for the budget include:

Reduction in Force by the Numbers