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Special Education Parent Resources

Newberg-Dundee Public Schools has identified a process that allows parents/guardians to seek an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at public expense.  An IEE is generally sought after there is a disagreement about the district’s own educational evaluation. 

The process for obtaining an IEE is that the Director of Special Programs is notified of the request and then decides whether or not to initiate a Due Process Hearing to prove that the district’s evaluation was appropriate or approve the IEE request.  

If the district agrees to the IEE request, a list of providers will be sent to the parents in order to assist them in determining an appropriate location for an evaluation; however, parents are not required to select from the list of providers sent to them.  There is a minimum qualification requirement that all providers must possess, given the nature of testing and evaluation, that must be verified prior to any payment for an IEE. 

Independent evaluators conducting the IEE must agree to release their assessment information and results directly to the school district before payment is made.  This includes, but is not limited to, any notes, reports, conclusions, or recommendations created as part of the IEE process. 

Results of the IEE and any other sources of information on the student will be considered by the district in providing a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE) to the student.

An independent, multi-disciplinary evaluation will, in most cases, be limited to a total cost of $1,800.   Costs above this maximum amount will not be approved unless the parent can demonstrate that such costs reflect a reasonable and customary rate for such evaluative services or if there are other factors that make the extraordinary costs necessary.  

Independent Education Evaluation Document

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Newberg Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is a collective group of parents and educators. SEAC members work collaboratively to provide input and advisement to our district on ways to create school communities that are welcoming and inclusive of all students valuing our neurodiversity.

SEAC provides input to the School District's special education strategic plan and participates in strategic planning processes. SEAC recommends ways to reduce the achievement gap and improve high school graduation rates for special education students.


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