Newberg High School About » Resource Room

Resource Room

NHS has a Resource Room for any NHS or Catalyst student who may be facing challenges in getting basic needs items. We provide school supplies, backpacks, clothing, shoes, hygiene items, feminine hygiene supplies, some basic household supplies, food to take home as well as snacks to help get students through a busy day.  The Resource Room is made possible by community donations and is staffed by a small team of volunteers who are there to provide support and help students find what they need.  We welcome any student and do everything possible to assure students' needs are met regardless of whether it is due to financial challenges, transportation issues, changes in family or household structure.
How do students find us? We share the K building with the Student Health Center across the parking lot from the main office. We are open during the school year every Monday, Wednesday & Friday during A & B lunches in a bright, welcoming space. We'll be closed during the summer and will not be able to accept donations while our volunteers take some time off.  
We'll  have some open hours in August before the first semester begins to help students feel prepared for their first day of school.  

We will be open 8/26 and 8/28 1:00-4:00 and plan to have all the basic school supplies needed for a good start to a successful new school year. If there are students & families who aren't able to come during these times we may be able to offer some limited time frames to help. Please reach out to the Resource Room Leader so we can try to make arrangements. We look forward to greeting you in the Resource Room! 
If you have questions, concerns or want to connect about offering support please contact the project leader.
NHS Resource Room Leader: Jan Hart   503-550-1967   [email protected]
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram @nhsresourceroom for news and updates