Our Upcoming K-12 Health Adoption (Click Here for more information)


The new health standards are already posted on our website, and you can find them here as well: 2023 Oregon Health Standards

Next, our K-5 teacher teams and Teaching and Learning Council will decide the lessons to pilot at each grade level, and we will post the materials for review the last week of January 2025. The K-5 teachers will be piloting the materials in spring of 2025, and we will then bring a recommendation to the school board by the end of the 24/25 academic year.  The 6-8 Health Teachers will also be following a similar timeline, and you can find links to the piloted materials here.

Prior to any instruction with these materials, teachers will share communication about when these lessons will be done in class and parents or guardians can opt out of participating at any time if desired. 


If you have any questions about the Health Adoption Process, please contact Holly Miele at [email protected]