Board Briefs

Agenda item details in the 10.08.24 meeting packet

Former Director’s Public Statement Re: Accommodation for Disability

Rebecca Piros, former Newberg School District employee and former member of the Newberg School District Board of Directors, addressed the Board and community in regular session October 8, 2024. Piros recounted her many years of service as a volunteer, employee and member of the Board of Directors. In the 2022-2024 school year, Piros filed a complaint against the previous School Board for failure to appropriately accommodate her disabilities (Piros is legally blind) such that Piros could fully participate in deliberations of the Board.

Following a complaint to the Oregon Department of Education, the department concluded that the Board may have violated IRS 659.850 and OAR 581-020-0045 because the Board treated Piros in a manner that is “fair in form, but discriminatory in operation” on the basis of disability.

Following the Oregon Department of Education’s conclusion, the current Board of Directors and Piros entered into a conciliation agreement whereby the current Board publicly apologized to Piros, amended administrative regulations regarding complaint procedures and amended Policy BD/BDA to state, “when there is a vote by the Board that is not unanimous, the voting shall be by roll call, with each board member’s vote stated and recorded individually.”

Additionally, following the May 2025 school board election, the Board will receive training relative to accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

Board Appoints Interim Superintendent:

By a vote of 7-0, the Newberg School District Board of Directors hired former Newberg Assistant Superintendent and former Forest Grove Superintendent Dave Parker to serve as the district’s interim superintendent for the period October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026. This timeframe permits the Board of Directors sufficient time to recruit and hire a permanent superintendent.

Parker’s prior experience includes:

Superintendent, Forest Grove School District, 2018 - 2024
Assistant Superintendent, Newberg Dundee Public Schools, 2012-2018
Executive Director of Secondary Education, Hillsboro, 2010-2012
Planning and Acting Principal, South Meadows Middle School, Hillsboro, OR. (2007-2010)
Principal, Thomas Middle School, Hillsboro, OR. (2007-2009)
Principal, Evergreen Middle School, Hillsboro, OR. (2005-2007)
Assistant Principal, Brown Middle School, Hillsboro, OR (2003-2005)
Assistant Principal, Century High School, Hillsboro, OR (1999-2003)

Proposed Interim Superintendent Contract Terms:

Representing the Board of Directors, Chair Deb Bridges met with Parker to establish conditions for an employment contract. The proposed contract terms include a total compensation of $201,980 to include salary of $170,000, travel allocation of $1,500, Tax Sheltered Annuity $30,000, Phone $480 and insurance as provided by the District. The interim superintendent will receive 25 vacation days. The contract term is for 20 months - October 21, 2024 through June 30, 2026.

Legal Counsel for High Desert ESD will prepare contract documents. The Board of Directors will meet in Executive Session the week of October 14, 2024 to approve the contract.

Superintendent Radich Contract Extension:

The Board of Directors extended Dr. Radich’s contract from October 13, 2024 to December 13, 2024 or until an interim superintendent begins work at which time the contract will expire.

Enrollment Study Clarification:

In a previous edition of Board Briefs, it was reported that the most often cited reason for families leaving the Newberg School District was “bullying”. While that is an accurate statement regarding the priority reason parents mentioned related to “schools”, the overall priority reason mentioned by respondents in relation to the school district was “Political Climate and Cultural Tensions.”

The methodology initially used to categorize reasons was a software program that summarized word frequency. Subsequently, the district conducted a “hand count” of telephone interview responses. While the priority listing of responses remains relatively unchanged from what was initially reported, it is clear that “political climate and cultural tensions” was the #1 reason for families leaving the district during the 2023-2024 school year. The following are results of the “hand count” in priority order.

  1. Political Climate and Cultural Tensions (22)
  2. Bullying (17)
  3. Mental Health and Special Education Needs (14)
  4. Academic Concerns (11)
  5. Administrative Instability – Leadership (11)

We regret any confusion caused by this dual method of reporting.

October 01, 2024 Enrollment Report:

Interim Director of Finance Gayellyn Jacobson shared the district’s October 1 enrollment and staffing report. Each year, the Oregon Department of Education releases student enrollment reports detailing the number of K-12 students who are enrolled on the first school day in October of each year. Current Average Daily Membership is 4,020 – this number increased by 23 students from June 1, 2024. Enrollment growth was primarily at the middle and high school levels. Joan Austin Elementary School registered the greatest enrollment growth of all elementary schools.

Class Size Averages October 2, 2024
Class size averages for elementary schools as of October 1 show the following:




Grade 1


Grade 2


Grade 3


Grade 4


Grade 5


Class size at middle and high schools is greater primarily in electives. Secondary schools are continuously working to resolve class sections with large numbers, however, other than second trimester adjustments, the district’s budget is such that it will be extremely difficult to add staff.

Division 22 Standards Compliance for 2023-2024

Jillian Felizarta, Director and Grants Compliance Officer provided the Board with a summary of the District’s compliance with Oregon Department of Education standards for the 2023-2024 school year.


#           of


In Compliance

Out of Compliance

Implementing Approved                Corrective

Action Plan

Waived through the end of 2026-2027

Waived through end of 2027-2028














Comprehensive School Counseling

The district was out of compliance with some components of this rule. Specifically, the district needs to implement education plans and portfolios in grades 7 and 8.

Physical Education Requirements – Elementary Grades

The district was out of compliance with the requirements for this rule. There are only 80 minutes of PE per week, recesses were being counted to get to the 150-minute requirement but activities within the recess no longer meet state requirements.

Required Instructional Time

The district was out of compliance at our alternative high school. Elementary, middle schools, and high schools are in compliance. Substantial time was added to the alternative high school schedule for the 2024-2025 school year, however, the eight (8) furlough days impacted the final count of instructional hours.

Assessment of Essential Skills: Local Performance Assessment Requirement

At grades 3-8 work sample assessments are not consistently in place in all locations and data was not systematically recorded regarding student performance on these assessments.

Educational Leadership - Administrator Standards

The district was out of compliance for this rule. The district will implement evaluation form in TalentEd that will assess and provide feedback on the Educational Leadership Administrator Standards which are the same standards adopted by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission for administrator licensure.

While the district was out of compliance in 2023-2024 regarding these five standards, the district is in the process of convening work groups to address these issues. It is anticipated the district will be in full compliance by fall 2025.

In Other Business:

  • The Board received an explanation of “Least Restrictive Environments” and alternative placements for special needs students with a commitment to convene staff and parent groups to create a shared vision of Special Education philosophy and services for the 2025-2026 school year.
  • Received planning templates regarding budget assumptions, parameters and a timeline that creates a year-long inclusive budget planning process.
  • Announced three members of the Budget Committee terms end December The district will accept applications through October 31, 2024 for Zones 1, 5 and 6. Current committee members may re-apply.
  • Postponed the adoption of the Science Curriculum to allow more time for research of approved materials and a determination of potential costs.
  • Received a transition planning document indicating initiatives and work to be carried forward in the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Approved hires and resignations, received a summary report of Reduction in Force, approved Antonia Crater PTO donations of $93,000 for Antonia Crater Playground equipment, approved Community Band Concert Fundraiser to support the arts and approved a donation of $500 from Nancy S. Shanley for the Girls Water Polo Team.
  • Approved Newberg High School Wrestling Team Travel to Reno, Nevada to compete in the Tournament of Champions December 20-21, 2024. All expenses paid by the Newberg Mat Club.