Reduction in Force by the Numbers

At the June 11, 2024 school board meeting, the Newberg School District Board of Directors notified the Newberg Education Association leadership that layoffs were necessary and to begin the process of Reduction in Force per Article 28 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Newberg School District 29J and the Newberg Education Association. 

Over the summer months the District collaborated with representatives of the Newberg Education Association and Oregon School Employees Association to identify Reductions in Force primarily based on staffing allocation formulas.  Such reductions resulted in the following changes: 


Changes from 2023-24 school year to 2024-25 school year.  Note:  This does not include contracted positions that were eliminated.

85.99 staff full-time equivalents (FTE) positions were eliminated or reduced in hours. 

Reduction in Force: Licensed Staff included but was not limited to the following: Literacy Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) Classroom Teachers, Specialists and Counselors. 

Reduction in Force: Classified Staff included but was not limited to the following:  Education Assistants Custodians, Secretaries, Technology Support Specialists, Assessment and Data Analysts and Human Resources staff.

Reduction in Force: Confidential/Supervisory/Professional/Technical Staff included but was not limited to: Technology Coordinator, Communications Coordinator.

Reduction in Force: Administrative Staff included but was not limited to the following: Deputy Superintendent, Director of Special Programs, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Elementary Assistant Principals, and Bond Manager. 



Principals, Assistant Principals and District Office administrators are assuming expanded support roles to assist in areas that have been reduced or eliminated entirely including:  Communications/community support, Human Resources, Safety/reunification, Special Education, Counselor oversight/Hearings Officers, Talented and Gifted Program Coordinator, Custodial Services, Technology, District Library Services, Coordination of community volunteers, District Policy updates. 



At this time, no district programs, extra-curricular or athletic programs, have been eliminated for the 2024-25 school year 



Furlough days were negotiated with employee bargaining units as a means to reduce the 2024-25 budget. The entire school district will be closed on Furlough Days unless the Superintendent determines there is a vital need for an employee to be on duty. The CARE program will continue to operate on furlough days. 

  • Eight days throughout the school year 
  • Number of staff impacted: All staff 
  • Cost-savings per day: approximately $210,000 in General Fund dollars (personnel costs only, 

does not include utilities savings or transportation costs); $250,000 in All Funds dollars (local, state and federal grants, rentals, donations, nutrition services, construction excise, stc.) 



Considering the eight furlough days, is the District in compliance with state regulations regarding required instructional hours for students? YES - with a minor exception. 

The State of Oregon requires a minimum number of instructional hours per grade level: 



6 -8 

9 - 11 


State Requirement 

900 hours

900 hours

990 hours

960 hours

Newberg 2024-25 

983 hours 

1014 hours 

989* hours NHS 991 hours Catalyst 

989 hours NHS 991 Catalyst 


+83 hours

+114 hours

-1 hour NHS* +1 hour Catalyst 

+29 hours NHS +31 hours Catalyst 

*Newberg High School will allocate one additional hour of required instructional hours for grades 9-11 for 2024-2025. A plan to meet that requirement will be implemented during the school year. 



Maintaining consistent and predictable class size ratios is an established method of balancing school staffing with enrollment and remaining within revenue allocated to school districts by enrollment. Over time, Newberg’s adherence to staffing ratios lapsed. Enrollment steadily declined since 2017 while staffing continued to increase. Aligning enrollment and staffing reintroduces a standard, sustainable practice. Based on this summer’s adjustments, classroom ratios are comparable to previous Newberg class size and other Oregon school districts class sizes. 

Staffing Allocation Ratios for 2024-25 

The numbers listed below are not actual class size numbers. Actual class size is determined within a  few days after the start of school. Adjustments will be made by the Superintendent based on actuals. 

Grade Level 

Students: Teacher 







9 - 12 
