Our Student Reps

From top to bottom are Student Representatives Katelyn Nummelin, Oliver Kolbet, and Sienna Hansen.

You may have seen the School District’s article announcing the three new Student Representatives, but here’s a chance to learn a little more about each one of these outstanding Newberg High School seniors.

The Newberg-Dundee School Board chose Sienna Hansen, Oliver Kolbet, and Katelyn Nummelin to fill three open Student Rep positions on June 18. The Board selected these three NHS seniors out of seven strong applicants based on how they performed at an interview as well as their involvement in school activities, leadership, and community service. But here is a little more about their interests and experience (answers have been edited for length).

Sienna Hansen

Why did you apply to be a Student Rep? 

I’d heard a lot of what was going on [with the budget] and I wanted to be here and present listening. It’s good to listen and to figure out how to problem-solve. … I am a part of Young Life, and I would love to one day be a part of the Young Life Committee. My mom and dad are on that committee, and this is similar. The committee decides where we go, how we’re going to advertise, what our fundraising options are for kids that need it. …

What have you learned so far?

A lot of what I learned was from listening. I listened to the [applicants for the open Zone 5 Director position]. I was listening and taking note of how they were presenting themselves.

What school subjects are you interested in?

I love biology. That’s my favorite subject. I also really enjoyed doing AP English Language Arts this year. I thought it was very fun. I loved physics. I took it a couple of years ago.

What career would you like to pursue?

I would like to be an oral surgeon or an orthodontist when I’m older. I’d like to major in biology as of right now.

What awards and accomplishments are you most proud of?

I received second-team all-state for track my first year of doing it. I have not done track for a while because I got injured, but I’m in varsity soccer.

What organizations, sports, and activities are you involved in?

  • Soccer, forward, varsity since freshman year
  • Track and field: triple jump and long jump, varsity since sophomore year (time off due to injury)
  • Young Life, student leader, camp counselor, active volunteer 
  • HOSA-Future Health Professionals, plans to be the NHS chapter’s leader next year
  • Humanitarian Club, participated in sophomore and junior years as a member

Oliver Kolbet

(he/him or they/them)

Why did you apply to be a Student Rep?

I’m an informed person. I am, most of the time, well-spoken. … Another thing is I am a big part of the Theater Program and a big part of the queer community at Newberg High School. ... I really want to be there for them.

What have you learned so far?

[In seventh grade, he helped district leaders update the student handbook.]

This time almost felt like a second chance. This was when I was really going to be ready to put my input on everything and further all of the goals of the School District and be as present as I can.

What school subjects are you interested in?

Math is the subject I’m most interested in (and is probably the subject I’m going into in college). I love it. I did AP calculus this year.

What career would you like to pursue?

I’ve done some electrical engineering work, just messing around a little with an Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Occasionally, I did programming in Python and Dash.

What awards and accomplishments are you most proud of?

Probably, I’m most proud of how I’ve done and progressed in our Theater Department. I’m President of the Thespian Board this year. My first show was in 2018 in sixth grade, and I played Oliver in “Oliver!” My name is Oliver. Funny thing. 

What organizations, sports, and activities are you involved in?

  • Interact Club
  • Rotary Exchange Program this summer in Italy in August
  • Vocal Point
  • Symphonic Choir
  • Musical Theater (“The Curious Savage” as Robert)

Katelyn Nummelin

Why did you apply to be a Student Rep? 

I have a lot of interest in how things in our school are decided. We look at legislation and parliamentary procedure in FFA.

What have you learned so far?

Some of it is really shocking and some of it I still have no idea what it means. Mostly that’s what I’ve been learning and trying to understand. There’s a lot more that happens in this School District than I really thought. 

What school subjects are you interested in?

Since I’m in FFA, I spend a lot of my time in agricultural classes. I really enjoy the sciences, and what I want to do is science, especially ag science, and math. I want to attend OSU through Naval ROTC.

What career would you like to pursue?

I know where my passion lies, and that’s in agriculture, but I don’t know exactly what jobs I want to specifically put that into. With that being the largest industry in the nation, there are so many jobs that I want to do and I don’t know yet where I want to go. Food, clothing, and wood products are all part of the agriculture industry.

What awards and accomplishments are you most proud of?

FFA President and District Sentinel: Every year we do competitions, and currently, I am raising 12 broilers (meat chickens) that I’m going to take to the Yamhill County Fair. … I will do poultry showmanship with meat chickens … I am also raising four turkeys.

What organizations, sports, and activities are you involved in?

  • Newberg FFA President
  • District Sentinel