Title: Assistant to the SPED Coordinator Assistant and Psych Testing Coordinator
Daily tasks: I do multiple tasks for Amy Stephens, Tony Buckner, and other staff, making calls, putting manuals together for multiple areas of training and in-class workbooks, as well as anything else I can do to make their jobs easier. I basically assist the staff in any way I can that frees them up to focus on other important work that helps our students — and, of course, all the meetings that they need to attend. I also facilitate online psychology testing and observations for our online psychologist and for our Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) who works with our students at Project Oasis. I also monitor the Psych Room testing kits and materials and help our psychs in any way that I can.
Your main goal: To be available to help our staff in any way possible to help our students succeed! To be an encourager and cheerleader to staff and students.
Experience: I have worked with kids/students for over 30 years as a youth leader, softball coach, umpire, school bus driver for 11 years, and a leader of mission trips for all ages — but specifically high school and college students — to Mexico to an orphanage we had there for 25 years. Then, after retiring twice, I began subbing for ESS in several SPED classrooms and security in several districts, until I was hired full-time by Newberg-Dundee for Campus Security. From there, I worked with COA and Catalyst mentoring students to help motivate them for school work. Then I was tapped to run the Sensory Room for the former Trauma Program as well as mentoring students in that program. Then I was sent to CV to work in the SPED program there until I was tapped for facilitating SLP and psychologists’ sessions in all schools in our district as well as Oasis. I then was transferred to the DO/Chehalem Valley to work with SPED staff, monitor testing kits and materials, and continue facilitating SLPs and the online psychologists’ work for Mabel Rush and Joan Austin.
Education: Lots of life experience!
Skills/Hobbies: Gardening, reading, spending time with hubby at our coast house, and, of course, anytime I can get with my family.