School Board Adopts New Math Curriculum

The Newberg-Dundee School Board met for its regular session, and its agenda items included: decide whether to adopt new math curriculum, determine whether to accept a donation to Newberg High School, hear reports on schools from two local principals, choose whether to greenlight three construction projects, discuss Chehalem Online Academy (COA), make the annual vote on licensed employees’ various contracts, and review policies.


Math Adoption

The Teaching and Learning Department’s Math Leadership Team (MLT) shared an update on the adoption of new math materials, all reviewed and approved by the Oregon Department of Education. During the adoption process, the MLT:

  • Kicked off professional development on the math adoption last year, 
  • Evaluated materials, and
  • Collected data from teachers and students participating in a pilot from Dec. 12 to March 1. 

The School Board approved the purchase of the following: 

  • For Grades K-5, i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, Oregon Edition, copyright 2024, Curriculum Associations; 
  • For Grades 6-8, Oregon EdGems Math I-III, copyright 2023, EdGems; and 
  • For Grades 9-12, Oregon Math Algebra 1 2024, Geometry & Data Science, Algebra 2, copyright 2024, Big Ideas Learning 

The K-12 math materials were $997,000, plus $60,000 for shipping, and will be used for the next seven years.



The School Board approved a donation from the Newberg Booster Club of $15,000 to Newberg High School for football uniforms.


Principal Reports

The Principals of Joan Austin Elementary and Catalyst Alternative High School delivered presentations, both declaring that their students had made them proud:

  • Stevens, also the Catalyst Principal, reminded the School Board that Catalyst had officially become a school (and was no longer a program through Newberg High School) as of September 2023. In addition, he celebrated his students’ strong attendance of more than 91.6%. 
  • Joan Austin Principal Ashley Lee was proud that her school’s third-graders performed well on recent state tests. Third-graders demonstrated 60% proficiency in both English/Language Arts and Math, while the state average was about 40% proficiency in both areas.


Chehalem Park and Recreation District and Newberg Dundee Public Schools have agreed to a 30-year intergovernmental agreement to work together to improve Renne Park. The School District will have priority on the field usage. In addition, the School Board approved two small construction projects, which will be supported with the savings from other bond-funded projects:

  • Catalyst: Brockamp & Jaeger will make minor repairs to the Catalyst High School parapet (a wall), which is leaking.
  • Mabel Rush: Five Star Electric, Inc. will replace a diesel generator at Mabel Rush Elementary School.


COA could use volunteers. To help, email [email protected].



Dozens of teachers and administrators were approved for renewal or non-renewal of their contracts at the meeting.



Policy LBEA is new and would create a 3% cap on the number of resident students permitted to transfer to a virtual charter school outside the district. Most of the other policies had minor language changes. All policies will be read again and voted on at a later date.


Upcoming Meetings

The School Board is scheduled to meet for:

  • An executive and then a regular session at 5:00 p.m. on April 9 and 
  • A regular session on May 14 at 6:00 p.m.