Student Column: The Sports Article


By Cameron Kelly


Throughout high school, it is common for many students to participate in a sport. Whether it is swimming, wrestling, lacrosse, football, or many other sports, there are many options to choose from that can help you get involved with your school as well as your peers. Being involved in sports provides many benefits. Sports can provide physical activity, working to improve skills, improving mental health, achieving goals, or teaching you ways to work well with others. The benefits and impacts of sports go far beyond the results of any particular game or match.


I chose to participate in both volleyball and golf for all four years of high school. During these past four years, I have made lifelong friends and countless memories. These sports have also taught me many lessons over the years that will impact my future. For example, how to handle adversity, how to work well with others, and how to not give up on a goal. As a result of these impactful lessons, I highly suggest that every student experience being a part of a team or group that does an activity that is of interest to them.


Golf is underrated when it comes to sports, especially in high school, and I would like to share some interesting facts about the sport in hopes that the information can help attract more attention to golf from potential high school athletes:

  • As one of two captains on the Girls Varsity Golf Team, I have learned that golf requires a unique combination of both physical and mental capabilities. This may be one thing that many people do not realize; in order to succeed at golf, the mental part of the game is just as important, if not more important, than the physical part of the game. 
  • Having strong physical assets and a determined mindset are keys to unlocking your potential in golf. Another thing you may not know is that golf is not all about power; distance, accuracy, and control are equally as crucial. 
  • Constant adjustments are necessary when swinging the club in different conditions throughout the course. By strategizing and assessing before each swing, you can make a significant impact on your golf game. 
  • One last thing you may not know about golf is that golf is one of the few sports where players are responsible for keeping their own score. Keeping track of the number of strokes taken on each hole and adding them up at the end of the round, adds a level of honesty and integrity to the game, as players are expected to accurately report their scores. 

Over the years, I have learned that a lot more goes into this sport than I initially thought. It challenges you both physically and mentally, while also emphasizing the values of practicing, strategizing, and sportsmanship. Golf can teach you many valuable lessons that can be carried throughout life. While learning a new sport, like golf, can be intimidating, I have a few tips on how to have a successful golf game:

  • The first tip I suggest is to practice regularly. If you are looking to improve, it is important to dedicate time specifically to golf. This means consistently working on your swing, distance, and form. 
  • Another tip is to develop a pre-shot routine. It is surprising how much you can improve with just a few practice swings before you actually hit the ball. Visualizing the shot and adjusting accordingly will allow you to enhance your game. 
  • One additional tip is to familiarize yourself with each club. Knowing and understanding each club and when to use them will greatly impact your performance. 

Take each tip into consideration, try them out to see what works best for you, and have fun learning the sport of golf!


The sport of golf requires a unique combination of skills and mindset that separates it from other sports. Physical assets as well as a determined mindset are both equally important in golf. Additionally, the strategy and sportsmanship that are required to be successful in golf teach valuable life lessons. Taking time to practice and understand the sport will improve your golf game significantly. The benefits and impacts of a physical activity coupled with working to achieve a goal are life-lasting. I encourage everyone to challenge themselves to be a part of a team and try something new, maybe even golf. Go out there and drive for an ace!