Student Column: Ten Solutions for Fighting Senior Slump

Story and Photo by Cameron Kelly


With the end of the school year quickly approaching, many Newberg High School seniors face exciting new opportunities and prepare to begin a new chapter of life. 


However, seniors also often begin to get distracted and sometimes become unmotivated to finish the year strong. Nevertheless, it is critical that we, as a class, focus on achieving this milestone that marks the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. Despite the tempting distractions and excitement for the future, it is essential for NHS seniors to stay committed in order to receive our diplomas and excel in the years to come. Below is some advice to prevent any senior slump a student might be feeling:

  1. Set Goals: Prior to graduation, try to achieve a certain GPA by breaking down big jobs into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  2. Stay Organized: Create a solid schedule to stay on track and remain motivated.
  3. Take Time to Relax: School can be overwhelming and stressful, so it is important to set aside time to enjoy your hobbies.
  4. Stay Engaged and Focused in Each Class: By actively participating in every class, it will be easier to understand the material and comprehend assignments.
  5. Seek Support From Trusted Individuals: Having support from important people such as teachers, counselors, family, or friends is crucial when it comes to success.
  6. Connect with Peers: Being involved in school activities with close friends makes the high school experience more enjoyable.
  7. Stay Active: By participating in school events or being physically active, your mental health remains stable and helps keep you motivated.
  8. Explore New Interests: Learn a new skill or practice a hobby in your free time as a reward for persevering.
  9. Find Ways to Make School Work More Enjoyable: Try using different study methods, such as creating flashcards, taking notes, or making study guides. Switching up strategies will help you comprehend the material better.
  10. Take it All in: There are approximately four months left of the school year, so it is important to enjoy the little time we have left before we are released into the “real world.”

Hopefully, these strategies help any upperclassmen looking for motivation and wanting to combat senior slump. Keep in mind that it is important to look forward to the future, but also be sure to enjoy this year, create lasting memories, participate in fun activities, and celebrate your achievements. Savor and cherish this time before embarking on new adventures! 


Cameron Kelly is a senior at Newberg High School. In the photo above, she is with her friends at a school event.