Calendar Survey Results

The School District's Calendar Survey for 2024-25 results were presented to the School Board on Feb. 13.
The makeup of the respondents was: 65% parents/guardians, 16% elementary school employees, 11.3% high school students, 6.7% high school employees, 6.2% middle school employees, 2.7% middle school students, and 2.6% District Office or districtwide employees.
This is the breakdown of how respondents answered this question: Would you like the first day of school to fall before or after Labor Day? 69.3% after Labor Day, 15.9% either, 14.8% before Labor Day
This is the breakdown of how respondents answered this question: Do you enjoy getting a week off in November during the Thanksgiving holiday, or would you rather have only part of the week off? 58.4% like having the week off, 22.8% would rather their child stay in school that week, and 18.8% don't mind either way
This is the breakdown of how respondents answered this question: Do you like late-start Wednesday or would you like every school day to start at the same time? 58.4% said they like late-start Wednesday, 24.2% said they want all school days to start at the same time, and 17.4% said they don't mind either way
This is the breakdown of how respondents answered this question: Would you like to have elementary schools continue to start first or change the schedule and have middle schools and high schools start first? 51.3% said they want elementary schools to continue to start first, 27.6% said they want middle and high schools to start first, and 21.1% said either option is fine.
This is the breakdown of how respondents answered this either/or question: 52.9%, I want all start times to remain the same, and 47.1%, I want all schools to start at least 15 minutes later
This is the breakdown of how respondents answered this question: What do you think of this year's start times? 38.4% said they like them, 37.9% said they do not like them, 23.6% said they do not mind either way
Photo: The photo is of what people think of the elementary schools starting first (most respondents preferred that), and it is from the Google report on the responses. That report is attached to this article. All results were also shared above for accessibility.