Spotlight: Wildy Rodriguez

Jenny Elías, English Learner Data Specialist/Migrant Supervisor of the Welcome Center, nominated Bilingual Support Assistant Wildy Rodriguez, who works throughout the district, to be this week’s staff Spotlight recipient, an honor for which local staff and administrators nominate each other.In her nomination, Elías said:

“Wildy has been working with the district for many years. She strives for all students on her caseload to graduate on time. She will work after hours with students to make sure they are passing all classes. She will even meet with students at Shari’s on the weekend, so they can work on their homework.


She is a great mentor to our students. Students feel safe when they work with Wildy. She is honest and says things how they are. That is what high school students want, for adults to be honest with them. 


Wildy’s main priority is making sure that our students are well-rounded adults when they graduate. 


Wildy is one-of-a-kind, and many students who have graduated see her in town and thank her for never giving up on them and believing that they would graduate.”