Spotlight: Janelle Jackson

Congratulations to Janelle Jackson! Spotlight is a weekly honor for employees for which a colleague's nomination is required.
Newberg High School Registrar Jess Pendergraft nominated Janelle Jackson, NHS Post Secondary Success Coordinator.
Pendergraft wrote: "This is her first year at Newberg and the engagement that she has already received from students is phenomenal. She has had several colleges and military visits already this year and is drumming up so much interest from students who are wanting to see what the options are for them after graduation. She also almost always has students in her office that she is helping with scholarships, essays, and college applications. The energy she brings is palpable!"



Would you like to nominate a Newberg-Dundee Public Schools employee for the Spotlight? Please email Communications and Community Relations Coordinator Jillian Daley at [email protected] with the person’s name, title, school/department, and the reason why you are nominating them.