Participate in a Free Sleep Study

Interested in a sleep study at no cost for your child? Jackie Ewald, M.S., a Doctoral Student of Clinical Psychology at George Fox University, has sent us this notice about an opportunity for people to participate in a sleep study for which she is the primary researcher:
We are looking for research participants between 2-17 years old to participate in a research study. The purpose of the study is to expand the understanding of how trauma impacts sleep in children and adolescents. Exposure to a traumatic experience is not required to participate.
Requirements to Participate:
• Legal guardian consent and participant consent
• The caregiver must complete questionnaires, which take approximately 15-20 minutes in total
• The researcher will provide a sleep monitor device for the child/teen to wear on their finger for 5 nights.
Benefits of participating:
• You will receive a sleep study summary at no cost. Any significant clinical findings will be identified.
• The opportunity to help expand current research
If you are interested, contact Ewald by text/phone: at 503-673-1570 or by email at [email protected]