First Day Details

Starting Dates: The first day of school will be on:
Tuesday, Sept. 5 for Grades K-5, Grades 6 and 9, and Catalyst students.
Wednesday, Sept. 6: All students will attend on this day. It is the first day for Grades 7 and 8 and Grades 10 to 12.
For routes and transportation contacts, visit:
If you need help, here are all the contacts: 

Elementary Schools

Crater Elementary: 503-554-4650
Dundee Elementary: 503-554-4850
Edwards Elementary: 503-554-5050
Ewing Young Elementary: 503-554-4750
Joan Austin Elementary: 503-554-4550
Mabel Rush: 503-554-4450

Middle Schools

Chehalem Valley Middle School: 503-554-4600
Mountain View Middle School: 503-554-4500

High Schools

NHS: 503-554-4400
Catalyst: 503-554-4492

Chehalem Online Academy

Chehalem Online Academy, High School Level, Connie Martin at Catalyst
Chehalem Online Academy, Middle School Level: Shana Beckman at CVMS, Krys Williams at Catalyst, and Connie Martin at Catalyst
Chehalem Online Academy, Elementary School Level: Karen Lang at Ewing Young 

School District

District Office: 503-554-5000