School Board Approves Superintendent’s Goals

Newberg-Dundee Public Schools


The Newberg-Dundee School Board met on Wednesday, Aug. 23 to review Superintendent Stephen W. Phillips’ goals for the 2023-24 academic year.


After a discussion regarding accountability and regular updates on goal progress, the School Board voted unanimously (6-0, with one absence) to approve Phillips’ goals, which are:


Goal 1: Improve student achievement in math and English/language arts (ELA) 

Objective: By the end of the academic year, increase standardized test scores in math and ELA across benchmark grade levels (3,8,11) as measured by the spring 2024 Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) results.


Goal 2: Establish professional development for certified/classified staff 

Objective: Through the Teacher and Learning Department and the Special Programs Department, we will create a professional development calendar that addresses our curriculum and training needs, including a new staff mentorship program.


Goal 3: Ensure the bond projects are completed on time and within budget 

Objective: The current NPS bond should be completed by the late fall of 2024. Constant monitoring of the progress of the bond and the budget will ensure timely bond completion with bond dollars remaining. 


“It’s a promise to the community, and I think seeing that through is really important,” Phillips noted at the School Board meeting.


Goal 4: Build relationships with the Newberg community 

Objective: Be present and available for students, parents, and community members through involvement in local organizations, attending school functions, and being accessible.

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